The Faith of a Shady Lady

May 11, 2014 Speaker: Kevin Deyette Series: Be Strong

Topic: Default Passage: Joshua 2:1–2:24


1. Spies commissioned by Joshua (vs. 1a)

2. Arrival/Concern: Protection of the spies (vs. 2-7)

3. Rahab's confession of faith (vs. 8-14)

4. Escape/Concern: Protection of Rahab and her family (vs. 15-21)

4.  Return and Report to Joshua (vs. 22-24)

The danger of this passage is to get stuck on the beginning of the chapter and the end of the chapter.  The main focs of this chapter is Rahab's confession of faith.

Faith of a Shady Lady:

1. The bais of Rahab's faith (vs. 10)

2.  Rahab's confession of who God is (vs. 11)

3. Rahab acts on her faith (vs. 12-14)

"Faith shows itself in the whole personality-the mind is instructed, the emotions are stirred, and the will acts in obedience to God."-Martin Lloyd Jones

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