The Longest Day

July 13, 2014 Speaker: Kevin Deyette Series: Be Strong

Passage: Joshua 10:1–10:28

Title: The Longest Day
Text: Joshua 10:1-28
Description: The longest day in the history of the world is recorded in Joshua 10. But the sun standing still isn't the emphasis of this chapter, it's the fact that God listens to the prayers of men and women.


  1. The Faithfulness of Joshua (v1-7)
    - "Commitment is not measured in the giving of your word, it’s measured by the faithfulness to you word when it costs you something to do it." #commitment
  2. The True Warrior of Israel (v8-11)
    - "A nice, pretty, mild God and a soft and prissy Jesus won’t give His people hope.  It is only as we know Him as the Warrior of Israel who fights for us (and sometimes without us) that we have hope of victory in life."  #Strong #Mighty
  3. The Miracle of Prayer (v12-15)
    - "The God who is seated on high, who created the world and holds the world in his hand, the God who can make the sun stand still, and can part the red sea, God stoops down and bends his hear to our lips and hears our prayers."  #MiracleOfPrayer
  4. The Sign of Victory (v16-28)

**Unfortunately, this message was not recorded.  You can read the sermon manuscript HERE.  We apologize for any inconvenience**

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