Implications of Following Jesus

June 14, 2015 Speaker: Kevin Deyette Series: Jesus The King

Passage: Mark 10:32–10:52

Title: Implications of Following Jesus
Text: Mark 10:32-52

  • Jesus came to the Earth to die and give His life as a sacrifice. (v32-34)
  • The disciples are still confused about God’s Kingdom. They are still seeking status and position in God’s Kingdom. (v35-37)
  • The cup is a symbol of God’s wrath towards sin. The baptism is a symbol of being immersed in suffering (v38)

Three Implications in our lives of following Jesus:

  1. Our debt for sin will be paid.
  2. Our lives will be marked by servanthood and suffering.
  3. When our worldview and beliefs don’t line up with God’s word, WE are the ones who need to change.

More in Jesus The King

August 30, 2015

The Beginning

August 23, 2015

The Cross

August 16, 2015
