Worship The True King

June 21, 2015 Speaker: Kevin Deyette Series: Jesus The King

Passage: Mark 11:1–11:11

Title: Worship the True King
Text: Mark 11:1-11

Jesus wanted to establish in our minds that He is the true King (v 1-6)
The people were pronouncing Jesus as the Messianic King they have been expecting (v7-10)
The kind of Savior you are looking for depends on what you believe has gone wrong in the world.

  • They thought Roman occupation was what was wrong in the world. The Jews wanted a political Savior.

Are you worshipping a Jesus of your own making?

  1. Prozac Jesus? A Jesus that makes you feel better. A therapeutic Jesus.
  2. Walmart Jesus? A Jesus you go to for whatever you want in life?
  3. District Attorney Jesus? He’ll go after all those people who have wronged and hurt you.
  4. Retirement Plan Jesus? You pay your dues- attend church, tithe, etc as long as Jesus gives you heaven when you die.

"God created us in His own image and we returned the favor.” -George Bernard Shaw
“I believe in Jesus because He fulfills none of my dreams. He is in every respect the opposite of what He would be if I could have made Him in my own image.” -W.H. Auden
Sin is what’s wrong in the world. And since you and I are sinners- we are what’s wrong in the world. (Rom 3:23, 5:12)
Jesus came as the Savior for your sin. He’s a personal Savior.

More in Jesus The King

August 30, 2015

The Beginning

August 23, 2015

The Cross

August 16, 2015
