Gospel Identity: Giver
November 4, 2018 Speaker: Dan Brown Series: Gospel Centered Life
Passage: Romans 13:8–10
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Title: Gospel Identity: Giver
Text: Romans 13:8-10
Because of all that God has given us, we need to be people who give generously.
1) Old Testament law for giving was called the tithe.
- Ma’aser-a = tenth
- Qaba- to defraud, rob, spoil, embezzle
2) New Testament principles for giving.
- It is to be regular (1 Cor. 16:2).
- It is to be proportional (1 Cor. 16:2).
- It should be generous (2 Cor. 9:6-10).
- Sow Generously, reap generously (2 Cor. 9:11-15).
Clear biblical principals on giving:
1) OT law- the Jews were commanded to tithe.
2) Christ did not abolish the tithe, but the principle of stewardship goes beyond the tithe.
3) The New Testament clearly teaches principles of giving: give generously, cheerfully, without being compelled, and regularly.
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