Gospel Identity-Servant
November 18, 2018 Speaker: Kevin Deyette Series: Gospel Centered Life
Passage: Mark 10:35–45
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Title: Gospel Identity Servant
Text: Mark 10:35-45
The greatest fulfillment in life is found in giving ourselves away for others.
Do your prayers reveals a pre-occupation with yourself and desire for worldly “greatness”?
Self focused attitudes destroy unity.
The measure of true greatness is found in the capacity to sacrifice and deny yourself to serve others.
A servant is a person who serves others instead of serving themselves- they are “others” focused instead of self-focused.
- Do you love your schedule more than your neighbor?
- Do you love your comfort more than the broken around you?
- Do you love yourself more than you love Christ?
The greatest fulfillment in life is found in giving ourselves away for others.

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