Financial Margin

January 20, 2019 Speaker: Kevin Deyette Series: Margin

Passage: 1 Timothy 6:6–10

Title: Financial Margin
Text: 1 Timothy 6:6-10


Financial Margin makes us rich in what matters most.

The house of the wise has financial margin.

Culture’s definition of happiness: More than you currently have.

A lack of financial margin is not an income problems- it’s a lifestyle problem.

A lack of financial margin is also a spiritual problem.

Practical solutions for financial margin:
1) Earn more.
2) Spend less.
    - Root issue in creating financial margin: Learn to put God first in our finances.

Results of putting God first financially:
1) Strengthen and grow your faith.
2) Receive more of what matters most.

More in Margin

February 3, 2019


January 27, 2019


January 13, 2019
