For the Common Good
November 3, 2019 Speaker: Kevin Deyette Series: Holy Spirit
Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:1–7
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Title: For the Common Good
Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-7
Cessationism: The belief that the sign gifts (tongues, prophecy, healing) ceased after the last apostle died.
Continuationism: The belief that the sign gifts (tongues, prophecy, healing) continue in this present age.
Embrace the sufficiency of Scripture as it reveals the spiritual gifts from God.
Your life speaks “Jesus is accursed” when you seek power/gifts/comfort/peace from anywhere other than God.
God is the giver of spiritual gifts, power, comfort, strength, and peace.
What are spiritual gifts?
-Given by God.
-Unique gifts.
-Every believer has one.
-For the common good/building of the church, and for the mission of God.
Spiritual Gifts: Unique and diverse gifts given by God for the unity and mission of God’s Church.
Real church happens when everyone participates with their gifts.
The mission of God transforms the world through the multitudes of ordinary, faithful, and spiritually empowered men and women.

More in Holy Spirit
December 1, 2019
Tongues and ProphecyNovember 24, 2019
Spiritual Gifts SurveyNovember 17, 2019
Gifted for Love