Grace and Works

November 20, 2022 Speaker: Jacob Hede Series: The Story

Passage: Galatians 2:15–21

Text: Galatians 2:15-21
Title: Grace and Works

The main issue with the Galatian church: Faith in Jesus + Works = Right relationship with God.

Our works fail to produce a restored relationship with God.

Justified = not guilty.

Our works fail to earn God's love

"A Christian is not somebody who has no sin, but somebody against whom God no longer considers sinful, because of his faith in Christ" - Martin Luther.

Our Justification produces Life in Christ.

"Grace is not opposed to effort, it's opposed to earning. Effort is an action, earning is an attitude" - Dallas Willard.

We don't have to work for a right relationship with God, we receive it by faith in Jesus.

Are you working for or from your salvation?

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Heaven and Hell

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Living Sacrifice

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The Church