Seeking Shalom

July 9, 2023 Speaker: Dan Brown Series: Stand Alone

Passage: Jeremiah 29:1–7

Text: Jeremiah 29:1-7
Title: Seeking Shalom

"No Matter what our particular job, especially in our world today, we are called to be the repairers of Creation." - Fred Rodgers

Our calling, as followers of Christ, is to be repairers of creation by seeking the shalom of the city where God has placed us. 

Shalom: Peace, welfare, safety, tranquility, health, contentment, success, comfort, harmon. Also: Human flourishing and wholenss. 

"We are now fallen creatures in a fallen world. The Christian gospel tells us that all hell had broken loose in the sorry world but also that, in Christ, all heaven has come to do battle. Christ the warrior has come to defeat worldly power, to move the worldover onto a new foundation, and to equip a people, informed, devout, educated, pious, determing people, to follow Him in righting what's wrong, in transforming what's corrupted, in doing the things that make for peace."- Cornelius Plantinga 

"In Hebrew, shalom means wholeness, uncut or complete. Therefore, shalom is the peace that results from lacking nothing; it's the assurance that comes when all the ingredients for our flourishing are present. Peace in Scripture is not primarily about tranquil circumstances, or calm emotions, but rather the well-being, the wholeness and flourishing, that comes from living in harmony with God, with others, and with one's self." - Skye Jethani, With God Daily. 

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