I Am the Light of the World

September 29, 2024 Speaker: Kevin Deyette Series: I Am

Passage: John 8:12–20

Message Title: I Am the Light of the World
Text: John 8:12-20
Speaker: Pastor Kevin Deyette


The Light of the World represents: 

  1. The promise of God's presence
  2. God's protection 
  3. God's guidance in our lives

- The will of God is less about a few major "right" decisions and more about following God day by day. 

- The reason people don't come to the light: Light exposes. 

- The light of the world is a healing light. 

Message Summary: Jesus is the light of the world who promises His presence, protection, and healing to guide our lives. 

What does it mean to walk in the light: 

  1. We live with integrity
  2. We live with courage 
  3. We live with grace
  4. We live with hope 

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