Healing Blindness

April 26, 2015 Speaker: Kevin Deyette Series: Jesus The King

Topic: Default Passage: Mark 8:1–8:30

Title: Healilng Blindness
Text: Mark 8:1-30

The blind man (vs. 22-26) was healed in 3 stages:
1. Fully blind
2. He could partially see
3. He could see clearlly

This miracle is teaching about spiritual blindness.

1. The pharisees were like the blind man in the first stage-fully blind to who Jesus is (vs. 11-13)
     a. Seeking a sign doesn't reveal an actual pursuit of Jesus. It reveals pride and arrogance.
2. The disciples have shown to be partially blind. They could see Jesus was different and special, but don't know who He truly is, and don't fully trust Him. (vs. 1-10, 14-21)
3. Peter's confession shows that the disciples blindness was miraculously healed. Peter didn't figure it out on his own. He needed Jesus to heal spiritual blindness. (vs. 27-30)

More in Jesus The King

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The Beginning

August 23, 2015

The Cross

August 16, 2015
