The Beginning

August 30, 2015 Speaker: Kevin Deyette Series: Jesus The King

Passage: Mark 15:42–16:8

Title: The Beginning
Text: Mark 15:42-16:8


Proofs that Jesus really died:

  • The centurion testified to it
  • The burial clothes confirm it
  • The enclosed tomb affirms it
  • The women witnessed it

The gospel has the power to change everything, giving Joseph a courage and boldness he never knew.

Why was the tomb empty?

  • Jesus disciples stole the body?
  • Jesus’ enemies stole the body?
  • The women went to the wrong tomb?
  • Jesus did not really die?
  • Jesus really rose from the grave!

The resurrection is God’s way of stamping PAID IN FULL across the pages of history.

Only in the gospel of Jesus do people find such enormous hope to live.

More in Jesus The King

August 23, 2015

The Cross

August 16, 2015


August 9, 2015

Our Lord's Prayer in Gethsemane