The Fullness of Christ in Your Marriage

August 11, 2019 Speaker: Corey Lockbeam Series: Colossians

Passage: Colossians 3:18–19

Title: The Fullness of Christ in Your Marriage

Text: Colossians 3:18-19


Wives, fullness is found in following your husband like Jesus follows the father.

  • Jesus directs people towards the goodness and glory of the Father.
  • Jesus looks to please the Father.
  • Jesus seeks to align Himself with the Father.
  • Jesus wants to be with the Father where He is.
  • Jesus receives the love the Father give to Him.

Husbands, fullness is found when you love your wife like Jesus loves you.

  • Jesus left heaven to live on earth so that He could be with us.
  • Jesus gave up His own good for our good.
  • Jesus loved us exactly how we needed to be loved.
  • Jesus loved us the most when we loved Him the least.

Marriage is a unique opportunity to bear the image of God. (Col. 3:10)

  • Submission is a unique display of the image of God.
  • Sacrificial love is a unique display of the image of God.
  • Marriage is a unique opportunity to bear the image of God and the relationship He has with His people.

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