Prayer and Mission Go Hand in Hand

September 1, 2019 Speaker: Kevin Deyette Series: Colossians

Passage: Colossians 4:2–6

Title: Prayer and Mission Go Hand in Hand

Text: Colossians 4:2-6


Restoration Church Mission: To know Christ, Make Christ known.

How do we make Christ known?

3 keys to sharing your faith: Pray! Be wise towards Outsiders. Redeem your speech to reveal your faith.


Thanksgiving is the memory of God's grace put into words.

Pray for open doors.

Cracks that reveal an open door: Things break, people die, relationships struggle, health fails.

Pray for Clarity.

Clarity in sharing how God has worked in your life/story.

Be wise towards outsiders.

Create questions, not conflict.

Redeem your speech to reveal your faith

Your speech should offer grace, no judgment.

Does your life give evidence to faith in Jesus?

Who are you sharing your faith with?

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