Gospel-Centered Family

August 18, 2019 Speaker: Kevin Deyette Series: Colossians

Passage: Colossians 3:18–19

Title: Gospel-Centered Family
Text: Colossians 3:18-19


Your closest relationships often reveal your need for God’s grace and continued spiritual growth.

Child (noun): Dependent on your parents.
A child’s obedience is designed for their safety, protection, flourishing, and benefit.
Discipline is evidence of love.

Fathers have the leading responsibility in raising children.

How to not exasperate your kids:

  1. Be Present.
  2. Be careful with your volume.
  3. Take ownership when you’re wrong.
  4. Use wisdom with your discipline.
    1. Make sure the punishment fits the crime.
    2. Discern the difference between defiance and immaturity.
    3. Should be child-specific.
    4. Needs to be consistent.
  5. Fill your home with love and grace, not criticism.

Obedient children are nurtured in love and praise.

The deeper you grow with God, the better parent you become.

What are you cultivating in your life to drive you deeper into the gospel?

More in Colossians

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