Gospel-Centered Work
August 25, 2019 Speaker: Kevin Deyette Series: Colossians
Passage: Colossians 3:22– 4:1
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Title: Gospel-Centered Work
Text: Colossians 3:22-4:1
Apologetics [noun]: Reseasoned arguments in justification of a doctrine or truth.
- Often voluntary (Lev. 25:39).
- Educated, given opportunities (Joseph, Daniel).
- Couldn't oppress by charging interest (Lev. 25:35-37).
- Holidays extended to bondservants (Deut. 16:14).
- Opportunities for freedom (Ex. 21:2; Deut. 15:14).
The Bible's story with slavery is one of redemption and restoration.
Our Christian faith is defined by giving ourselves rather than taking for ourselves.
God's expectations of employees: obedience.
Work hard to please God, not man.
Your bottom line is not your profit margin- it's how you steward the people God's given you.
Your business is His business.

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